Welcome to Center for Non-Profit Coaching

Your Reliable Thought Partner in Navigating the Complexities of Non-Profit Leadership

Coaching provides an anchor for me as a manager. I believe coaching helps me stay true to my work ethic and values as a leader...
Assistant director, educational organization
Very positive. Wonderful experience to have a coach facilitate personal growth that led to professional growth…
Executive Director, National Foundation

Empowering Non-Profit Leaders

At CNPC, we are dedicated to empowering leaders within the non-profit sector through accessible, high-quality coaching. Our volunteer coaches are seasoned professionals committed to driving meaningful change. By partnering with us, you gain access to executive coaching, team coaching, and tailored workshops, all designed to help your organization thrive.

What We Offer

At the Center for Non-Profit Coaching, we offer tailored coaching services designed specifically for nonprofit leaders and teams.

Whether you’re seeking one-on-one executive coaching to strengthen your leadership, or team coaching to improve collaboration and alignment, we provide personalized support to help you and your organization thrive.

Our programs are built around the unique challenges of the nonprofit world, empowering you to lead with confidence, make strategic decisions, and drive meaningful, long-lasting impact.
One on one coaching - executive nonprofit

Executive Coaching

Our Executive Coaching is designed to help you refine your leadership skills, make better decisions, and address the unique challenges you face in leading a nonprofit.

With a personalized approach, we focus on helping you navigate resource limitations, align with your mission, and drive long-term impact for your organization.

Executive Team Coaching

Executive Team Coaching

Our Executive Team Coaching is here to help your leadership team work better together, align on strategic goals, and improve decision-making.

We tailor our coaching to the specific needs of nonprofit teams, ensuring you and your colleagues foster collaboration and a unified approach to achieving your mission.

Affordable Excellence​ in Executive Coaching

Thanks to our volunteer model and support from donors, we offer coaching services at a fraction of the market rate, ensuring that your budget goes further in achieving your mission.​

Coaching is an impact multiplier. Helping to multiply the impact of those committed to improving the lives of others is an invaluable opportunity for me.

Alex Kudinov
Alex Kudinov, MCC
Volunteer Coach

I can’t think of a better place to live my mission “To leave you better than I found you with each encounter” than Center for Nonprofit Coaching

Cherie Silas, MCC
Cherie Silas, MCC
Volunteer Coach

 I enjoy helping others achieve their goals. It’s fulfilling to give back and contribute to the community. Additionally, volunteering allows me to continuously enhance my coaching skills and expand my network.

Dee Miller
Dee Miller, ACC
Volunteer Coach

Not sure if Executive Coaching is right for you?
Learn how Every Leader Can Benefit from Coaching and
why Executive Coaching for Nonprofit Leaders is highly beneficial.

Free Nonprofit Resources

While we do not provide consulting or mentoring, we hear your needs loud and clear.
Check out our collection of FREE resources for non-profit leaders.

Filling the Coaching Gap for Nonprofit Leaders

Nonprofit fundrising

We Understand Your Challenges

Coaching services for the non-profit professional remain scarce. When and if a non-profit organization receives an increase in donations or other external funding, such resources usually go directly to programs for their often under-served clients. While appreciating the benefits of staff development and employee self-care, non-profits often do not have the budget to pay for executive coaching services for its organizational leaders.
CNPC - Nonprofit Coaching Organization

We Are a Nonprofit Too

CNPC coaches are all credentialed coaches who volunteer their time to serve our clients. This enables CNPC to provide executive coaching and executive team coaching services at a rate that is 85% or more below market rate for organizations that qualify for our services. CNPC does not compete against for-profit coaching organizations through bidding processes and our operational budget is covered through donations, grants, and coaching fees.
Nonprofit Volunteers

Our Target Audience Is You

See Our Program page for detailed information about CNPC’s coaching program. Eligible organizations include those with a 501(c)(3) tax status such as social services, environmental, animal welfare and other charitable foundations, as well as other types of non-profits such as federal, state, local government agencies, education and healthcare institutions. We give preference to organizations that seek to go beyond situational solutions and work at the energetic level of change in order to make improvements in the world. CNPC serves professionals such as health care workers, teachers, civil servants, social workers and volunteers.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Thank you, Center for Non-Profit Coaching…for reaching out and [co-]creating energy fields that bring dreams into form and reality…
Founder of not-for-profit organization that supports youth
Coaching provides an anchor for me as a manager. I believe coaching helps me stay true to my work ethic and values as a leader...
Assistant director, educational organization
Very positive. Wonderful experience to have a coach facilitate personal growth that led to professional growth…
Executive Director, National Foundation
I now know I have it within myself to decide how to embrace the fact that change happens and that it’s a time of opportunity if I’ve placed myself on the path to make it so. I feel…more positive about facing potential changes in my life ahead…
Director of Development with an environmental group
I just want to say ‘thank you’ for making the coaching opportunity available for young professionals like me. It definitely has been instrumental in helping me move forward in my career…
Middle manager from social services who intends to become an executive director

Ready to explore coaching
for your non-profit?

Fill out a short application form and let's explore together how coaching can help you and your organization.
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